The book IT Governance, available at Amazon, consits of 9 Parts. Part 6 contains the concept of a customer’s lifetime value (CLV) is gaining a good deal of attention, if slowly, especially for service-oriented organisations (Berger and Nasr 1998). In CLV, the customer’s value (customer’s equity) takes its future expected profi t as the key input; hence, the organisation needs…
The book IT Governance, available at Amazon, consits of 9 Parts. How can the overall question of this book be answered? How can we reduce costs and improve data quality though the implementation of master data and data governance in an international enterprise? This book outlines many different ways of achieving this goal; unfortunately, there is no single-step approach, no…
The book IT Governance, available at Amazon, consits of 9 Parts. What are the business drivers and challenges of implementing global data governance? Based on my professional experience and discussions with CIOs regarding implementing global data governance, I outline the business drivers and the challenges that organisations face. Wherever applicable, this book also outlines how organisations have overcome some of…

Within this interview Margo is interviewing Helmut about his new book IT Governance and about his current Kickstarter campaign. (visit Kickstarter Campaign).

This video was recorded from the 1st Kickstarter live stream event at the Dec 8 2016 8:00 PM CET. The book author Helmut Schinldwick is presenting his Kickstarter book publishing project – IT Governance. During this recording you will be guided through the current progress of the funding campaign, showing the current status of the book and also present some…