The book IT Governance, available at Amazon, consits of 9 Parts. Part 9 contains all Appendixes that will help the reader to to find specific areas of interests, as well as to get a better overview of the book content. Table of content Other Parts of the book Part 1 – Introduction to Data Management Part 2 – Master Data…
Global IT Consultant’s New Book Showcases ‘Transformation Eco System’ Framework to Data Optimizationk
Press Release: 30.11.2016 – Consultant News

Global IT Consultant’s New Book Showcases ‘Transformation Eco System’ Framework
Press Release: 29.11.2016 – Fintech Finance

Since 2015, I’ve been engaged in a master of science degree (MSc) program for information systems management, as a distance learning student. In the course of my study, I became exposed to a variety of different course topics, and steadily, the desire to document my life-long experiences grew. Within the period I started my master thesis, I decided it was time to write a book.
When I began writing my book, I thought first about possible topics, my key competencies and I must admit, it was a long, meandering process. First, i started by defining a table of contents, while also trying to structure my thoughts and topics. Initially, i had a long, winding title which I later restructured and is being used now as a sub title.

First of all I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to my Kickstarter project to be able to fund my book IT Governance. !!!! THANK YOU !!!! It has been an exciting month to watch the community growing around my project and in the next view days you will receive the Kickstarter Feedback form. Beginning of February all…

This video was recorded from the 1st Kickstarter live stream event at the Dec 8 2016 8:00 PM CET. The book author Helmut Schinldwick is presenting his Kickstarter book publishing project – IT Governance. During this recording you will be guided through the current progress of the funding campaign, showing the current status of the book and also present some…