The author Helmut Schindlwick explains the scope of the kickstarter projects. This video is the official Kickstarter campaign video (Kickstarter Campaign).

The author Helmut Schindlwick explains the scope of the kickstarter projects. This video is the official Kickstarter campaign video (Kickstarter Campaign).
IT Governance – the thoughts and concepts within this book.
This event will give you an overview of the current book status
and the main concepts, but also looking to the competitive
products on the market.
Join me on the journey to self-publish the book IT Goverance and use the Kickstarter Live Stream at the 8th December 8pm (CET) to raise questions ragarding the book, its content or in regards the Transformational Eco System (TESy). Register for free at
In order to finance the self-publishing costs I launched a kickstarter campaign by 22.November. The funding goal is 3.500€ unitl the 4.January 2017 – Visit the project hopefully you will find a reward to fund me.